On February 13, 2012 Anne-Marie Voorhoeve and Gertjan Broekman facilitated a Salon with the title ‘Spiritual Intelligence as a key factor for conscious leadership’. More than 30 participants enjoyed an inspiring evening, hearing the insights and experiences of Anne-Marie and Gertjan and explored together how Spiritual skills can support individuals, leaders of organisations and a world in transition. A number of participants tried the SQ21-assessment, to experience it themselves. From October 9 you can buy the new book of SQ-founder Cindy Wigglesworth (Deep Change), named ‘SQ21, the Twenty-One skills of Spiritual Intelligence.
According to author Cindy Wigglesworth, Spiritual Intelligence is “the ability to behave with wisdom and compassion while maintaining inner and outer peace regardless of the situation.” In her book, she helps us understand how spiritual intelligence is analogous to such concepts as IQ and emotional intelligence (EQ). Using clear, practical language she defines the “21 skills” that comprise spiritual intelligence and in doing so, teaches you the steps to begin developing your own spiritual intelligence. If you are a leader – SQ is a fundamental piece to build transformational leadership capacity. If you are looking for deepening the capacity to lead yourself, the 21 skills will help you focus in your personal growth work.
Cindy refers to her method as “spiritual weightlifting”–a process whereby we work to develop our “muscles” to shift away from thinking with our self-focused ego to behaving from our more loving and peaceful Higher Self. Her model is both faith-friendly and faith-neutral, and SQ21 offers a way for atheists, people of faith, and those who are “spiritual but not religious” to understand each other and discuss our universal concerns. Her methodology is connected to Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory and Don Beck’s Spiral Dynamic Integral and aligned with the CHE-perspective on developmental dynamics. These SQ21-skills are especially crucial for those in positions of leadership, since they help us to make decisions on a higher level while in the midst of stress, complexity, and high rates of change.
Cindy Wigglesworth has taken the field of multiple intelligences to the next level. Certified in Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence model, she has created her own model of Spiritual Intelligence. If you want to find a way to go beyond “EQ” to develop your Highest Self, the 21 Skills of Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) will help you get there.
Cindy is an experienced personal and executive coach and corporate consultant. Her SQ21 spiritual intelligence self-assessment is a diversity-appropriate and skills-based way of leadership-development.
After working for 20 years in a Fortune 50 company in Human Resources she formed her own company in 2000 and created her multiple intelligence approach, using a combination of 4 intelligences (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual). She coaches senior executives to overcome barriers to their own career success and helps them to lead their organizations. Her Spiritual Intelligence blog archive can be found on the Huffington Post website under Healthy Living / GPS for the Soul. Her website is www.DeepChange.com.