“When I stepped out of my leadership role at CHE nearly 3 years ago, there was something big calling me. Since that moment I have been working full-time on developing Ubiquity – a global learning and innovation platform designed to prepare people for the challenges and opportunities of our times. Now we’re ready to launch Ubiquity into the world – a disruptive, integrally-informed and transformational education platform and community, designed to create a whole new kind of education for a whole new kind of world. In many ways, CHE helped to birth Ubiquity. And some of CHE’s Synnervators are also playing a role in Ubiquity today. ”
Peter Merry, Founder CHE Netherlands, Chief Innovation Officer Ubiquity University
Ubiquity University opens its doors to student enrollment at a time of extraordinary challenge and opportunity. “No sector operates more inefficiently than education,” stated Forbes in a cover story on November 11, 2012, and “a new breed of disruptors is going to fix it.” The article predicted that disruptive education is the key to educational renewal. Ubiquity was conceived to be disruptive.
Graduate Testimonials from 2015 Beta Program for Ubiquity University:
“The content is mind-blowing. My first course instructor, Peter Merry, is a true master at providing a simple, but powerful whole system framework, that helps me to see the world from an entirely new perspective…I am so happy to be a part of this ongoing community”. -B Vanderbeek
“No social learning experience that I’m aware of comes close to the experience I had in this course. The platform made it so easy for me to be in rich, meaningful conversations with people all over the world – the kind of world-changing conversations that are incredibly optimistic, wildly creative, loving, and profound”. -M Estrada
“I have waited a long time for this. Ubiquity University is a radical new kind of education that enables each and everyone of us to have a much greater ability to design our own life path.” -J Wong
“What can I say…. Ubiquity has thought of almost everything. Where else can you find cutting-edge competency-based content, awesome self-mastery and personal development modules, and a social learning platform that finally allows global learning communities to be social – all at a radically affordable price? Excited to see what comes next!”
– L Weitmeyer
Ubiquity has cracked a number of critical source codes in the following domains:
CONTENT: Conventional schools impart knowledge and train students in analytical thinking. Creativity, not simply knowledge, is the key to the jobs of the future. Collaboration, not simply competitiveness, is emerging as critical to success. Ubiquity will provide innovative content by blending learning with innovation, enabling students to gain core competencies for future employment and to develop the creative, collaborative and critical thinking capacities necessary to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
METHOD: Conventional education relies on lectures and memorization. Ubiquity’s learning system involves a specially designed website and technology platform through which the student engages in academic studies, personal development exercises, real life missions that provide fully immersive learning and enable students to interact creatively with their peers worldwide.
DESIGN: Conventional schools train for degrees. Ubiquity will be completely modular, enabling students to obtain everything from a BA to a Phd as well as certificates and badges for lifelong learners. Ubiquity will also accept transfers from MOOCs and non-traditional education sources so the students can custom design their own learning pathways. Ubiquity concentrates on what the emerging generation of students actually need, for whom digital technology is the new norm and directly relevant learning the emerging demand.
AFFORDABILITY: Worldwide student costs and tuition for higher education are dramatically escalating, taking education out of the reach of millions of perfectly qualified students each year. Ubiquity is globally affordable, offering a $12,000 BA and a $12,000 MBA. Low cost. No debt. Globally.
GLOBAL CONTEXT: Students are grouped in “pods” designed to create global classrooms in which they will interact with peers from around the world. They will learn their lessons, engage in personal development, and participate in real life missions with other students supported by trained teacher assistants and a coaching and mentoring program. By the time they graduate, they will have developed a global network of their peers, all engaged in collaborative creativity on projects of common concern. Country partners around the world enhance this capacity.
The Revolution Sweeping Global Education
The current system of public education is being dramatically disrupted by new technologies, new insights into optimal learning methods, and the debilitating impact of escalating student debt. Additionally, emerging management and leadership jobs are demanding a whole new kind of worker. Projections indicate that nearly 40% of the brick and mortar schools will no longer exist by 2020. Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen stated recently in Congressional testimony: “The current system will not exist in ten years.”
IBM studies in 2010 and 2012 interviewed 1700 CEOs and 3,600 students in 60 countries. The conclusion: the critical need now is not for industrial workers but for creative leaders able to think outside the very system that produced them. Why? Because the world has entered the era of hypercomplexity and current forms of education are not preparing young people for the world that is coming.
Topping the list of what global CEOs and students are looking for as they face the future are creative thinking, the capacity to collaborate, the capacity to communicate effectively, the capacity to be open, flexible and empathetic, and express global perspectives. Simple technical and mathematical knowledge – that which our schools are currently designed to teach and with which our accrediting agencies are concerned – ranked low on the list. Ubiquity’s curriculum is designed to enhance collaborative creativity, emotional intelligence, innovative entrepreneurship, and personal leadership – the very qualities that both global corporations and young people demand, and to do so at globally affordable tuition.
As the 21st Century unfolds, new forms of learning must be implemented to prepare our young for the future that is coming. Educational institutions need to be created that both recognize this and support the revolution itself. This is the immediate and urgent reason for establishing Ubiquity University.
For further information, please contact:
Paul Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer, at paul.taylor@ubiquityunnveristy.org
Jim Garrison, President, at jimgarrison@ubiquityuniversity.org