Reinventing Europe
From MAY 4-8 the 2nd Integral European Conference REINVENTING EUROPE – INTEGRAL REFLECTIONS IN A RAPIDLY CHANGING WORLD will be in Hungary, with Spiral Dynamics integral on stage. Join and share your praxis – the world needs it. Deadline applications: January 10th
we will reflect upon: Is Europe at a crucial transformational point? What does it take to reinvent Europe from an embodied integral perspective, synchronizing different value-systems? Can Europe become a role model in the world to reflect a true unity in diversity, politically but also culturally by including and transcending our national identities? If so, how?
“Put yourself onto the European Integral map. We invite all integral scholars, practitioners, healers, therapists, artists and experts on integral organizations to hand in their applications.” Apply
IEC 2016 directors Bence Ganti and Dennis Wittrock want SDi to be more present this time and have invited Don Beck and Elza Maalouf as keynote speakers; Said Dawlabani will contribute in a dialogue on stage with reflections on the immigratin situation in Europe. Let us celebrate 20 years of SDi and show up with our different practices and connect and contribute to this evolving European community of practice, that makes a difference in the world!
Conference structure and tracks:
1. THEORY: academic, scholarly track (theory, research, criticism)
2. PRACTICE: general presentation track (practice, application)
3. EXPERIENTIAL PROCESSES: experiential workshop track
(leading experiential workshops creating healing and transformational spaces
4. ART: artistic track (paintings, music, spiritual songs, etc. )
5. TEAL ORG: Teal (Integral) organizations track.
This time we put a special emphasis on the topic area of emerging integral or “teal” organizations
as key drivers for transformation across many areas of society. A team organized by ‘Enlivening
Edge: News from Next-Stage Organizations’ will curate this track
6. POSTERS: present your work from various tracks in the form of a poster
Our aim is to unpack the full potential of the integral approach together with you, fleshing out the shared vision with new findings, applications, research and experiential processes, to sow the seeds of change in Europe and beyond.
Experience our innovative conference format: seamlessly interweaving crisp presentations, juicy transformational workshops and heart-opening communal events. The real star of the show is the integral community itself —which we learned from IEC 2014— so this year there will be special emphasis on creating and facilitating spaces for co-creative emergence between conference participants via deep dialogue.
Come and join us for the biggest integral gathering in Europe and get to know smart, mindful, and compassionate men and women — some of the potential friends and future colleagues you haven’t met yet. Make new connections, meet old friends and enjoy each other’s presence. Let’s reinvent a more coherent vision for Europe together!”
You can apply:
More information: CHE NL, Anne-Marie Voorhoeve,