We feel compelled to reveal and research yin-energy and liberate the feminine aspects to be expressed in the world as it currently evolves.
We ask ourselves: How can we be fully present, experiencing all feminine aspects of our sacred being, awakening love and embodying wisdom? How can we embody and contain Yin energy for the good of ourselves and the whole?
Aspects we practice: Opening check in and containing yin. Experiencing feminine energy in group of women and see what is there to emerge. Share all sorts of (creative) forms to embody and explore and express the feminine.
We contribute:
Arielle Brouwer: acting and theatre, coaching women, intuition and improvisation
Sandra de Graaf: fine arts, bodywork, grandmothers, coaching women, energywork
Els de Ranitz: intuitive development, healing, reading and leading practices
We invite other women to contribute to the constellation with their knowledge and experience, and join us on this quest for fully presencing Yin for the good of ourselves and the whole.
Join in
We meet every last Friday of the month, from 19.00 to 21.30 at Centrum voor Mens en Intuitie, Amersfoort.
We share the costs of the location: € 5 pp/evening
Please register at mail@ariellebrouwer.nl or +31 (0)6 1547 4850