Since 2009, more than five hundred students have attended the minor ‘Vind je bron’ (Inholland University). In this program, students are challenged to integrate passion and authentic power into their professional reality. This involves a Paradigm Shift from an ego centered awareness (what is in it for me?) to a transpersonal awareness (what is the creative opportunity in this situation?). A lot of different workshops lead to a body/mind awareness (Mindfulness, Yoga, Tai Chi etc.). The framework of ‘Spiral Dynamics’ is also part of the program. Inholland University will unfortunately stop the program for financial reasons from February 2013.
Initiator Hans Kunneman is currently looking for new opportunities to proceed the concept, since the basic idea of the minor can be integrated into education programs in many different ways. Maybe you can help him by checking your network for possibilties.
On Wednesday October 31st, the thinktank ‘Stromend Onderwijs’ ( organizes the seminar FLOW IN DE KLAS on the same topic. The Center of Human Emergence is one of the partners in this seminar. Fred Korthagen and Hans Kunneman will be the keynote speakers. Besides that, the program offers several kinds of workshops.
See also: ‘CHE partners up with Stromend Onderwijs Collectief (SOC)‘.