January 16
Time:07: 15 pm - 09: 45 pm
Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/che-salon-january-16th-2024-the-sustainable-peace-manifesto-tickets-791081013607CHE EN
In this series of 4 online CHE salons, we explore how lasting peace in Europe might be realized. This third salon is about the Sustainable Peace Manifesto.
Our guest will be Mr. Valerii Pekar, a lecturer at the Kyiv-Mohyla and Lviv Business Schools, and a former member of the National Reform Council. He is a co-founder of the Nova Kraina Civic Platform.
While there is still support in the West for Ukraine, there are also loud voices calling for negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, thinking this will lead to peace. But is this the path to sustainable peace in Europe?
Valerii Pekar will tell us about another approach: a grassroots movement of countries and peoples in and around Russia. For the first time since WWII, there is a war with global character and consequences. What is the nature and cause of this war? Integral thinking and Spiral Dynamics can help to understand. We shall dive into the nature of the Russian state and explore the blind spot of the West. How to prevent the escalation of the war to the heart of Europe, how to end the war and ensure sustainable peace? The answer can be found in the Sustainable Peace Manifesto written by a large group of Ukrainian intellectuals.
The salon is online through ZOOM and takes about 2,5 hours. The language is English. It will consist of two parts. One block with Valerii Pekar's introduction and Q&A. In the second part, we will dialogue about what we can learn from his knowledge, experiences, and wisdom. For our own country, world politics, and the Ukraine war. We ask for a contribution between 5 – 25 euros for participation in the salon to raise some money for organizing these meetings. If you cannot pay anything, please send an email to info@humanemergence.nl and we will send you the Zoom link to join the salon.
The first salon of this series of 4 online meetings was an introduction by the Russian historian Alexander Active about the Russian Federation and the end of this empire (see https://youtu.be/5c0VI4chYcc). In the second salon our guest Dr. Elke Fein presented a developmentally informed perspective on Russian politics and history as a basis for discussing the question: (Why) should we (not) negotiate with Putin's Russia? See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81FbN1Gdrlc. In the last salon on January 30th our guest will be Mr. Dorzho Dugarov, a foreign affairs counselor of the Free Nations League. He will speak about the current situation and dreams of the Russian captive nations leaders.
We hope to meet you!!
Auke van Nimwegen, Hans Ruijs, Lars Lutje Schipholt and Leida Schuringa
You are invited to join us in this CHE-Salon on January 16th. Sign up by clicking on the red Eventbrite link. You will receive confirmation and on Monday, January 15th you will get a Zoom link to join our meeting.
See for more information about the Center for Human Emergence (CHE) in The Netherlands on our website www.humanemergence.nl. You also can sign up for our mailing list there.
Some background information:
– Powerpoint presentation by Kateryna Yasko and Valerii Pekar:
- presentation by Valerii Pekar during the IEC conference in May 2022
– Interview with Valerii on https://youtu.be/vHe8lmUl3yQ.
– Lectures by Timothy Cutter: “The Making of Modern Ukraine
-Email from Kateryna 31-12-23: