The CHE board has drawn up a new policy plan entitled Germinating seed. The CHE will be celebrating its 2025th anniversary in 20 and we want to celebrate this festively! But first, the next two years will be dominated by a renewed focus and structure of the organization. The previous policy plan covered the period 2015 - 2018. Many changes have occurred within the CHE and the board therefore thought it was time to write another extensive policy plan. The policy plan provides direction for concrete actions and activities in the coming years and puts them in a clear perspective. This policy plan 23-25 consists of the following parts: 1. Our core principles, 2. Historical context, 3. Our intention, 4. The organization and 5. Policy lines. Open it here: Policy plan CHE 23-25

Germinating seed Policy plan CHE 23-25
- Post-author:Leida Schuringa
- Posts published:October 29, 2023
- mail category:no category / News