CHE salon: 'Working together on a more sustainable society' led by Mees de Lind van Wijngaarden and Ard Hordijk

Working together for a more sustainable society

conducted by Mees de Lind van Wijngaarden and Ard Hordijk

Recently (on March 23) we met with about 20 participants in a salon entitled 'What is your next step in this rapidly changing Netherlands?' We exchanged ideas about what CHE people think about social innovation based on unity consciousness. Then we explored whether there are possibilities to realize those ideas with like-minded people more easily and with more pleasure. This inspiring meeting was a step in the process of consciously shaping the future for the CHE. At the initiative of Mees, we would like to continue this meeting with this session.

In a form of 'dynamic dialogue' developed by Mees, we want to seek further connection and deepening with each other with regard to undertaking concrete initiatives towards a sustainable society. We are happy to look at possibilities to work together on this and the possible role of CHE in this. We hope that this can also provide the impetus for a follow-up in this regard.

First, after a check-in, we will conduct an open dialogue on this subject in this special interactive form (standing). Then, in smaller groups, we look in depth at specific themes, issues, developments and/or solutions that come to the fore. After a plenary feedback session, we are happy to look at the need and the possibilities to follow up on this in a CHE context.

Do you also feel like talking with each other in an open, creative and dynamic way and discover which concrete initiatives can be developed for the integral sustainable development of our society and cooperation around it within and outside the CHE context?

Then come to the salon on

Monday 29 May

Reception from 18.30 pm. Program start: 19.00 p.m. to 21.30:XNUMX p.m

As a starting point, we would like to use the inspiring brief customs that Princess Irene wrote in the run-up to the recent elections. She calls on politicians to look at how we want and can deal with each other and the earth from a broader and longer-term perspective. If you are going to participate, therefore, you are requested to read it in advance, to consider how your own undertakings relate to it and to note down any comments as a result.

You are most welcome!

As a social pioneering independent organizational consultant, Mees is a newcomer to the CHE and enthusiastically joined the session on March 23. Ard has been active within the CHE for many years and also works as a partner of Synnervate. Together with Domi Lambregts and Leida Schuringa, he fulfills a new CHE role “Researcher next step CHE organization”.


You are cordially invited to participate in this salon. You can register by clicking on the green 'Attend event' button, you will then receive a confirmation of your registration. Signing up is important.


The salon takes place in Amsterdam:

Studio 145, Building Shed 6

KNSM avenue 145


On the day of the salon you will receive an email to know in which room the salon will take place. If you are unexpectedly unable to come, send a text message to Mees: 06 11 34 03 90.


Public transport:

From Amsterdam CS bus 48 to the KNSM laan, get off at the Azartplein stop. From Amsterdam CS tram 26, change to tram 10 at the Rietlandpark stop, get off at the end stop Azartplein. From there approx. 100 m walk.


From the ring A10, exit Zeeburg (S114), after the exit at the traffic lights turn left, then straight ahead into the Piet Heintunnel. Turn right out of the tunnel, follow signs to Zeeburg-De Eilanden, follow signs to KNSM island. After the connecting dam on the right KNSM island, directly at the beginning (left) is Loods 6.

Program salons 2017:

Maandag 12 juni 2017
Heleen Kuiper and Toon Franken – Organizing from teal (Venwoude)

Maandag 26 juni 2017

Subject to follow (Venwoude)

Maandag 4 september 2017
Subject to follow (Venwoude)

Maandag 18 september 2017
Domi Lambregts – The next step in partner relations in the Netherlands (Venwoude)

Maandag 2 oktober 2017
Kim j. Wright – Transition in the field of law practice (Venwoude)

Maandag 23 oktober 2017
Subject to follow (Venwoude)

Maandag 6 november 2017
Subject to follow (Venwoude)

Maandag 20 november 2017
Subject to follow (Venwoude)

Monday 4 December 2017
Subject to follow (Venwoude)

Monday 18 December 2017
Subject to follow (Venwoude)


We offer these salons based on the "purpose and principles" of the CHE and in order to make this permanently possible in the future, we ask you for a financial contribution from € 7,50.

And also possible, become a donor!

Organized by volunteers for volunteers. And the CHE has costs. From the Chamber of Commerce and the website to wanting to compensate for the time that goes into making connections between parties that enter into collaborations that they could not have dreamed of. To continue to make all this possible, we invite you to become a donor of the CHE. With an automatic transfer of at least € 20,– per month you make our work possible. The Center for Human Emergence NL is recognized as a charity, so your donations are tax deductible.

You can register as a donor by sending an email to and/or transferring a one-time donation or monthly amount directly to IBAN account number NL51 TRIO 0212 4791 72 in the name of the Center for Human Emergence Foundation in Amsterdam.

Incidentally, individual contributions are also very welcome.

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We hope you come!

Warm regards,

Mees de Lind van Wijngaarden and Ard Hordijk