Color Salon: experience the magical wisdom of PURPLE
– with Edwin Holwerda
9 December 2019, 19.00-21.30, Venwoude
# Experience Spiral Dynamics
PURPLE is a value system that affects our contemporary life and work on a deep – and often unconscious – level. As humans, we are essentially tribal beings. We need each other to feel safe and to survive. We need each other to feel that we matter and belong as human beings. We need each other to ritually celebrate life and give it meaning. PURPLE is often seen from this perspective as a collective value system and essentially it is. Yet it also has a strong individual component. From PURPLE we assume that each of us has a unique magical contribution, nurtured and supported by our 'tribe'. A view of your own magical place makes it easier to take your own place in your 'tribe'.
During this CHE salon, we will look together for our individual magical meaning (purpose) in order to connect from there with what connects us collectively, as a CHE tribe, for the world in transition.
Because PURPLE is anchored in our reptilian and limbic brain, we use a ritualistic and intuitive 'flight path' to make good contact with it. The salon is therefore largely experiential. In the process we go through together, we also investigate the qualities of PURPLE and how they influence and apply to our current life, work and the world around us.
EDWIN HOLWERDA is a partner and SDi Lead at Synnervate. He has many years of experience as a trainer, coach and consultant in the application of Spiral Dynamics and other integral models within government, healthcare, education and commercial organizations. Edwin has an outspoken passion for purple and is extremely capable of making the invisible visible and of connecting different ways of looking, thinking and acting and translating this into pragmatic next steps. In his work and life he finds much inspiration in ancient wisdom, mythology, metaphysical philosophy and in working with rituals and natural ordering principles. In addition to his work for Synnervate, he is a partner at MannenWerk, an organization that supports men in developing their true manpower, whereby working with the power of the purple value system is one of the essential keys.
Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi for short) is one of the frameworks we work with with the Center for Human Emergence. This year, the CHE is organizing various salons on the value systems as described in SDi, so-called color salons. Experienced CHE practitioners from the very beginning take us 'through the Spiral'. In each color salon we explore: what is this value system, how does it work in you and within your environment? What does this value system contribute to global transition? What is the interaction with other value systems? With this we are looking together for ways to enable integral social innovation from Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi) and to learn from it together. You can read more about SDi on
You are cordially invited to participate in this Salon. You can sign up by here on the Eventbrite clicking link. You will then receive a confirmation of your registration.
Signing up is important. Based on the number of registrations, we look for a suitable space at Venwoude.
If you are unexpectedly unable to come, send a text to Peter Luijten: 06-23184287
Venwoude cannot offer the visitors of the salon the opportunity to join them for dinner this evening. To be able to eat together, we move to restaurant de Bosrand, Dorpsstraat 33, 3749 AC in Lage Vuursche. A simple (vegetarian) meal is available at your own expense for around € 15.00 pp. Please pay there in the restaurant. This restaurant is located in the middle of the village of Lage Vuursche, which means that more time is needed to travel to Venwoude. We therefore sit down at the table at 17:45 PM.
We offer these salons based on the “purpose and principles” of the CHE. To make this permanently possible in the future, we ask you for a financial contribution from € 7,50 per salon.
You are cordially invited to participate in this Salon.
Kind regards, on behalf of CHE,
Edwin Holwerda, Peter Luijten and Geesje Stroo
PS In advance for the Agenda.
The now known next Salon is an integral on February 3, 2020:
Change of State of Consciousness – with Dieuwke Begemann.