# Experience Spiral Dynamics
Don Beck: ”If it can be done anywhere, it is in the Netherlands”.

It is high time to consciously reflect on the red value system in the face of rising social tensions.
When RED is anchored in the safety and security of the 'tribe' – typically purple themes – a lot of energy is released. life energy. You discover your own will…
Do you experience your own red energy in your daily life? Where do you get it from? Do you take your authority? What drives you? Do you embody that? And do you use this too? What strength and vulnerability do you deploy? Is your heart open?
We will practice with that.
This unmissable value system is experiencing a huge revival in these times. Rules are only tricky in RED. And apparently RED can have a big influence on blue characteristics, such as order and stability.
What does this mean to you? Are you concerned about how things are going?
How is it possible that RED has such a revival? What is going on? What is the underlying social question? How to deal with the 'warning trap'? How to deal with unhealthy red leadership?
Here the focus disappears…What is the answer to this? Together we investigate the way to a healthy RED goal and a clear approach in the Netherlands. The aim of the salon is that you gain (more?) clarity for yourself about where you stand and what you have to do, and what you can do together with others.
We ask you to prepare for this salon. For orientation and context, we enclose the Machiavelli lecture that was published in the Volkskrant on 12 February. Writer Roxane van Iperen contributes to communication between politicians, government and citizens by pointing out the effect of 'rule and divide' on our social foundations.
(if the link doesn't work, copy it into your browser)
You are also welcome without knowledge of SDi and Integral Theory. Then it would be useful to read something about this in advance. Which can here. In here for an 'integral tour'.
Peter van der Vliet has undergone intensive personal and professional development since 2006, from 'inside to outside'. In his daily life he is involved, among other things, with an integral approach to social safety in organizations, where bureaucracies are cracking, and purple, red and blue are important value systems (bullying, integrity, sexual harassment, diversity). He does this through coaching and training on the job. Ddefence, police, fire brigade, cleaning, enforcement, social services. Bringing brightness to hot spots is his motto. He continues to make this knowledge and experience transferable within 'the Awareness Accelerator'.
Peter's drive is currently towards the new world that people and organizations are shaping; politics/the new interplay between citizens and government, the new integrated health care system, the new economy, the bridge between religion, spirituality and science. By organizing introductions with a high experiential content, Peter connects understanding of underlying patterns, with becoming aware of how you look and what you can do.
Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi for short) is one of the frameworks with which we work with the Center for Human Emergence. This year, the CHE is organizing various salons on the value systems as described in SDi, so-called color salons. Experienced CHE practitioners from the very beginning take us 'through the Spiral'. In each color salon we explore: what is this value system, how does it work in you and within your environment? What does this value system contribute to global transition? What is the interaction with other value systems? With this we are looking together for ways to enable integral social innovation from Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi) and to learn from it together. You can read more about SDi at www.spiraldynamicsintegral.nl
You are cordially invited to participate in this Salon. You can sign up here by clicking the Eventbrite link. You will then receive a confirmation of your registration.
Signing up is important. Based on the number of registrations, we look for a suitable space at Venwoude. If we are not in the Living Room, you will receive an email on Monday in which room we are.
If you are unexpectedly unable to come, please send a text to Annelies Weijschedé: 0615 398 808
We offer these salons based on the “purpose and principles” of the CHE. To make this permanently possible in the future, we ask you for a financial contribution from € 7,50 per salon.
You are cordially invited to participate in this Salon.
Kind regards, on behalf of CHE,
Peter van der Vliet and Annelies Weijschedé