Series of salons about integral leadership
Series of salons about integral leadership

In the 21-22 season we will organize a number of CHE salons about Integral/Yellow/Teal leadership in which various guests will share their knowledge and experiences with Integral leadership. We convert the content of these meetings as much as possible into a report, publication, podcast or infographic:
* For information about the hike from , see Henry the Porter who was a guest at the salon of May 11th https://wheelbarrow-walk.com/
* A nice paper has been published about the salon of April 13 about the impact of the war in Ukraine https://www.humanemergence.nl/en/ukraine-and-russia/
* CHE Salon White Privilege March 23, 2022
* How open am I really? That was central to the live Salon How to move a system from March 9. In this Salon we explored the role of us-them thinking. As an integral leader, how do you enter into a conversation completely openly? What do you encounter in yourself? What is your attitude towards different leadership styles? How do you deal with the us-them thinking in yourself? And what do you have to do to take the entire (agricultural) system one step further? Our guest speaker Floor de Ruiter is involved in the major change processes in agriculture and talked about how a conversation with 25 farmers gives energy and how a good conversation regularly arises about the future of farming. Conversations with provincial executives, bank directors and LTO directors, on the other hand, are regularly more difficult. And that while you need all these actors to tackle the major task facing the agricultural sector. In the salon we experienced through a guided meditation how to 'close' the system and how you can get past this again. come. That provided great insights!
* Change takes time. CHE-Salon 9 February 2022 about the climate
* CHE-Salon January 12, 2022 Integral advice
* After the Corona salon in december a group consisting of Hans Ruijs, Ellen Steyvers and Leida Schuringa started writing about polarization. Article to follow!
* Leonie van der Steen was a guest in the salon on 10 November. Theme: from top dog to one of the people. About self-management, vulnerability and emerging integrality. Until the company became 'steward owned' at the beginning of this year, Leonie was director of Squarewise. Now she is 'one of the people' there: the company is its own and no longer has a hierarchy. Squarewise is an impact organization that helps shape the new world. With us she explored the question of what Integral leadership has to offer the young generation. A generation for whom the climate crisis is not an image of the future, but a harsh reality in which they have to live their lives.
* The salon of October 13 was over Integral leadership and the city. In this salon Sumadi Bambang Oetomo told about his (volunteer) work in the Sierpleinbuurt in Amsterdam-West (Growing Story Sierpleinbuurt). It is his passion to bring people from different backgrounds together in an open conversation to make plans for the city. He would like to make more room for the we culture that he brings with him from his Indonesian background. The forms of participation that Sumadi works with can be characterized as Integral participation. The focus question for the joint conversation in the salon was: “What is being asked of me so that what I feel involved in can flourish further?
* Salon Integral Leadership September 15, 2021
If you are interested in participating in this series of salons, for example as a host, please send an email to info@humanemergence.nl.