by Dieuwke Begemann
CHE Salon 3 February 2020 19 - 21.30h
We are often and increasingly confronted with people who think very differently than we do. That then raises the question of how to agree or sometimes how to make them change their mind. In Integral Theory, this question is interpreted as: how can people change color?
Ken Wilber distinguishes States and Stages from consciousness. Examples of States are waking, or dreaming or hallucinating, etc. Stages are the colours: at what stage of development is consciousness? Wilber adds that States can change and change (unfortunately a moment of enlightenment is not permanent) but Stages are irreversible, you can't go back.
So how come people change color?
How can you promote that?
Those are the questions that Dieuwke Begemann will answer with us in this salon.
Dieuwke Begemann is a change expert, author of the book Natural Change, certified SD trainer (Don Beck) and has hosted a reading club about Integral Theory for 10 years.
By guiding changes in the field of international conflicts, harmonization of government policy, organization and personal development, she brings a very broad experience and her sensitivity to the way in which changes (spontaneously) come about. Extensive bio (in English) below.
The idea for this Salon arose in contact with Peter Merry about a recently written essay 'STAGE CHANGE' by Dieuwke.
You are cordially invited to explore together how we can promote 'change of colour'. You are also welcome without knowledge of SDi and Integral Theory. If you want, it might be useful to read something about this in advance. Which can here. In here for an 'integral tour'.
Drs.D.Begemann 22-04-1947
Change agent, Management Consultant and Executive Coach.
She hosted for 10 years a Ken Wilber study group in the Netherlands and is a certified SD trainer (Don Beck). She published a book on Natural Change, (Royal Publishing House van Gorcum in 2004), in which AQAL theory is integrated. She was responsible for big change projects in Holland, which she facilitated from the paradigm of Natural Change and Integral Theory. In her workshop she will use many practical examples from her consultancy practice.
She worked for the Peace Institute of the university of Groningen and developed curricula for secondary schools about subjects of war and peace.
She was an advisor to the Dutch Government in the Welfare Policy Harmonization Council. She worked for the corporate world (IBM and SHELL) on people management (Person Centered Approach of Carl Rogers) and on the subject of Creativity in problemsolving.
For 10 years she facilitated the Senior Executive Curriculum of De Baak, the management institute of the Dutch Society of Corporations (VNO).
She researched Change management and published in 2004 the book “Natural Change” Royal Publishing House of van Gorcum, in which integral theory is embedded.
She was responsible for extensive change projects, like the merging of Housing Institutes and the reorganization of the Child Services in Holland.
In her location in France she also offers intensive workshops on Value Driven Leadership in France.
Dieuwke Begemann lives both in Amsterdam and in Mouron-sur-Yonne, France with her partner the American poet Lawrence Kearney. She practices Tai Chi and meditation daily, loves a glass of wine and is a vegetarian. She has two lovely grown up children and one grandson.
Her passion is to help people escape from self created confinement, so they can open up to the miracle of life.
You are cordially invited to participate in this Salon. You can register by clicking the green 'Attend event' here at Eventbrite button. You will then receive a confirmation of your registration.
Signing up is important. Depending on the number of registrations, we will look for a suitable space. If the salon does not fit in the Living Room, you will be told on arrival at the Venwoude Living Room in which room the salon will take place.
If you are unexpectedly unable to come, send a text to Annelies Weijschedé: 06-15398808
Venwoude cannot offer the visitors of the salon an opportunity to join the meal on this evening.
If you want to eat something beforehand, you can go to a restaurant on the Dorpsstraat in Lage Vuursche.
We offer these salons based on the “purpose and principles” of the CHE. To make this permanently possible in the future, we ask you for a financial contribution from € 7,50 per salon.
You are cordially invited to participate in this salon.
Kind regards, on behalf of CHE,
Dieuwke Begemann and Annelies Weijschedé
P.S. Also possible, become a donor! Organized by volunteers for volunteers. And the CHE has costs. From the Chamber of Commerce and the website to compensating time for making connections between parties that enter into collaborations they could not have dreamed of. To continue to make all this possible, we invite you to become a donor of the CHE. With an automatic transfer of a fixed amount per month you make our work possible. You can also make a one-time gift. The Center for Human Emergence NL is recognized as a charity, so your donations are tax deductible.