januari 24
Time:07:15 pm - 09:30 pm
Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/che-salon-developments-in-brazil-looking-from-an-integral-perspective-tickets-513290083457CHE NL
After winning a bitter and close fight of the election, Lula da Silva was inaugurated some weeks ago as the 39th President of Brazil. Dealing with internal turmoil in a socially, politically and economically divided nation, Brazil faces a huge challenge in which Integral, holistic and unifying thinking and acting is urgently needed, especially now also their government buildings and Parliament have been stormed and wrecked.
We are glad to have Marcelo Cardoso with us, the founder of the Integral institute in Brazil. He will lead us through the rich and cultural history of Brazil, but also confronting us with the different historical traumas that still have a huge impact today. Marcelo will also share with us his ideas about possible future scenarios for Brazil.
Marcelo Cardoso has an MBA from Kellog Northwestern and has held leadership positions for the last 25 years in companies such as Método Engenharia, GP Investimentos – where he was president of Hopi-Hari, DBM LHH, Natura and Fleury. He currently develops transformation projects in organizations with methodologies based on Integral Theory (www.institutointegralbrasil.com.br).
The salon is online via ZOOM and will last ca 2 hours. It will consist of two blocks. One block with Marcelo Cardoso: introduction and Q&A. In the second block we will dialogue in breakout groups on what we can learn from Brazil’s situation and we will close with a common sharing. Marcelo will join us for the whole session. Language is English.
You are invited to join us in this international CHE-Salon on Tuesday January 24nd 2023. Sign up by clicking on the green EventBrite link. You will receive a confirmation. Monday January 23nd you will get a ZOOM-link to join this salon.
See for more information about the Center for Human Emergence (CHE) in The Netherlands our website http://www.humanemergence.nl/ . You also can sign up for our mailing list there.