
CHE salon 'Nothing goes wrong (even if everything goes wrong)'



Vuurse Steeg 1, 3749 AN Lage-Vuursche

Lage-Vuursche, UT, NL, 3749 AN

CHE salon 'Nothing goes wrong (even though everything goes wrong)' led by Saskia Teppema

This is the title of the book I am finishing and the title of this salon. We can learn to see everything as neutral events, which are given meaning by each person's personal vision and interpretation, which is largely based on previous, usually painful experiences and fear. And so everything that happens can be seen as teaching material. With a nod to Rumi, Hafiz, Epictetus and Spinoza, I will work with you on how you can bring your own happiness closer, regardless of the situation you are in. Inner peace and happiness is, how could it be otherwise, the goal. The restlessness, stress, discomfort and also anger and anger are energy-consuming emotions that arise from inner, old beliefs about yourself.

 After my introduction, in which I take you through courses and methodologies, I will let you experience how you can constructively detect and transform deeper layers in yourself with a simple tool. You will receive the toolbox of six steps and then you will never have to wonder again: what should I do with this recurring feeling? Because you always have the manual for your homework with you.

 I have learned so much from God

That I no longer feel

Consider a Christian, a Hindu,

a Muslim, a Buddhist or a Jew.

The Truth has shared with me so much generously

That I am no longer me

Consider a man, a woman, an angel

Or even a soul so naked.

Love has befriended Hafiz so closely

That she has turned to ashes and set me free

Of every notion and representation

What my mind has ever avoided.


Read more about Saskia Teppema


You are cordially invited to participate in this salon. You can register by clicking on the green 'YES' button, you will then receive a confirmation of your registration. Signing up is important, even if you don't join us for dinner. Depending on the number of registrations, we will look for a suitable space. On the day of the salon you will receive an email to know in which room the salon will take place. If you can't come unexpectedly, send a text to Margaret Kooistra: 06 55 71 21 63. 


Eating together

Venwoude offers the visitors of the salon the opportunity to join the meal. The vegetarian meals are prepared with full-fledged products and fresh vegetables from the region and the season. Venwoude charges € 13,50 pp (in cash and to be paid to the CHE Salonhost there) and it is appreciated if we help clean up.

For a good planning of the kitchen and the purchases, we pass on the number of diners on Friday morning. You can sign up for the food by – at the latest Thursday 20 October next in front of 17.00 Hours – send an email to



Lounges 2016

  • November 7, 2016 – Topic to follow

  • November 21, 2016 – Topic to follow

  • Tuesday December 6, 2016 – Anouk Brack – Intergal warriorship, embodying strength and presence

  • December 19, 2016 – Topic to follow.

  • **** CHE NL, in collaboration with Economy Transformers, is organizing a series of three salons about MONEY AND CONSCIOUSNESS (past, present and future). Date: November 14, November 28 & December 12, 2016. Read more




We offer these salons based on the "purpose and principles" of the CHE and in order to make this permanently possible in the future, we ask you for a financial contribution from € 7,50.

 And also possible, become a donor!

Organized by volunteers for volunteers. And the CHE has costs. From the Chamber of Commerce and the website to wanting to compensate for the time that goes into making connections between parties that enter into collaborations that they could not have dreamed of. To continue to make all this possible, we invite you to donor to become a member of the CHE. With an automatic transfer of at least € 20,– per month you make our work possible. The Center for Human Emergence NL is recognized as a charity, so your donations are tax deductible.

 You can register as a donor by sending an email to  and/or transfer a one-time donation or monthly amount directly to IBAN account number NL51 TRIO 0212 4791 72 in the name of the Center for Human Emergence Foundation in Amsterdam. Incidentally, individual contributions are also very welcome.

You are cordially invited to participate in this salon.

We hope you come!

Yours faithfully,

Saskia Teppema & Margreet Kooistra

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